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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

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Hello Year 3, here are some additional Literacy and Numeracy worksheets you may want to complete.

Speech Activities


Hello Year 3


On this page you will find lots of fun activities that will help develop your speech . The activities will help you tell the difference between different sounds and work out where the sounds are in words.  By practicing this skill you will help your speech become clearer over time .


Below is the link to the Speech and language link web page.


Please click the link to access five interactive games that will help you with hearing sounds at the beginning of words and at the end of words. Start at level 1 and work your way up to level 5.


Enjoy and keep practicing your sounds.

Speech Games 1


Here are two speech activities to use at home that encourage your child to hear single sounds and identify the different speech sounds in words.

Speech Games 2


This game is to help your child hear the difference between sounds at the beginning of words.

Welcome back Year 3 

and I hope you all had a lovely half term and enjoyed the sunshine.


Here is a new speech game for you to play at home with your family.

This game will help you practice your listening skills and help you hear sounds at the beginning of words. Keep practicing your sounds and enjoy the shooting stars game.

Top tips for talking with your child


Talking to your child is the most important thing you can do to help them get ready for  school and life. Learning language should be fun and interactive but it should come naturally. 

Learning language is complex and for many, many children they find it hard.


The way we talk to our children has a big impact so here is a Top Tips for talking to your child poster . The poster shows you simple fun strategies you can use at home to help aid your children's speech.

Games to encouraging talking at home 


Here a fun game to encourage you to talk and use your speech at home.

Can you describe the picture from the clues given on the cards.

Speech Games 3


A game to help you hear the difference between sounds at the beginning of words.

Speech Games 4


This game will help you hear sounds in words.

Speech Games 5


This game will help you practice your listening skills. Listen carefully for the sounds in the begining of the words .

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