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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Homework Friday 27th September


Homework: Google classroom task This weeks homework is linked to the online safety lesson that we completed this week. Please see google classroom task.


Bug Club - New books assigned

Maths Shed - Place Value assigned

Ed Shed - Spellings assigned and attached below. 


Reminders - P.E kit needed every Monday


Homework Friday 20th September


Homework: Google classroom task - This weeks homework is about our RE topic 'Creation & Covenant.' This week we have been reading and analysing the Ten Commandments.  Please see google classroom for homework linked to this.


Bug Club - New books assigned

Maths Shed - Place Value assigned

Ed Shed - Spellings assigned and attached below. Pupils have been given new groups for spellings that they have been made aware of. 

Additional information - Educational visit to the Big Pit, Tuesday 24th September.


Homework Friday 13th September


Homework: Create a book review about your favourite Roald Dahl book. This will be added to our reading area. See the template attached on google classroom. This can be completed on paper or on google docs.

Additional/ optional homework - A drawing/ painting of your favourite character/ book

Maths Shed - Place Value assigned

Ed Shed - Spellings assigned and attached below. Pupils have been given new groups for spellings that they have been made aware of. 

Additional information - Educational visit to the Big Pit, Tuesday 24th September.

Children have also been given letters with information for the Year 5 residential to Manor Adventure in Spring 2025.


Spellings 13.09.24

Homework Friday 6th September


All homework and information have been assigned on Google Classroom.



Homework Friday 12th July


Homework: Expressive Arts - Assigned to google classroom


Maths Shed: Assigned activities

Spellings: Assigned on EdShed

Homework Friday 5th July


Homework: Committee Applications - All pupils have been given a booklet to apply for a committee. Pupils will be giving their speeches next Wednesday afternoon and the successful applicants will be announced on Friday 12th July in merit assembly. Pob lwc!


Maths Shed: Assigned activities

Spellings: Assigned on EdShed


Homework Friday 21s June


Homework: Prefect applications - see Google classroom for assignment.

Maths Shed: Assigned activities

Spellings: Assigned on EdShed


Summer Play Costume to be in by Tuesday morning plesase, we have a dress rehearsal on Tuesday 25th June.

Homework Friday 14h June


Homework: A Taste of Home’ International Healthy Cookbook - see assigned below.

Maths Shed: Assigned activities

Spellings: Assigned on EdShed


Summer Play Costume letter sent home

Drama workshop Tuesday 18th, please see parent pay.

Movie Night Thursday 20th, please see parent pay.

Homework Friday 7th June


Google Classroom: Welcome Day! See google classroom for task

Maths Shed: Assigned activities

Spellings: Assigned on EdShed


Sports Day Monday 10th June, please see newsletter for details. Pupils houses are on google classroom.

Homework Friday 24 May


Google Classroom: Research task Olympics 2024

Maths Shed: Assigned activities

Spellings: Assigned on EdShed


See google classroom for Summer Play Script, please practise your lines!

Homework Friday 17th May


Google Classroom: See World Bee Day assignment

Maths Shed: Assigned activities

Spellings: Assigned on EdShed


Friday 10th May


Next Friday, we will hold the auditions for our Summer Play, 'Aladdin'. If you wish to audition for a speaking part you must learn the lines below for this date. 

This does not mean you are auditioning for these parts. It is just for us to see your acting skills.


Boys - Aladdin

Girls - Habiba (Aladdin's mum)


Aladdin: Hi mum.

She doesn’t answer him.

Aladdin:  Mum?

Habiba: I’m not talking with you.

Aladdin: Huh? Why not? Habiba You tell me.

Aladdin: I have absolutely no idea.

Habiba: Then I’ll tell you. No, I’ll ask you. What have you been up to today?

Aladdin: Not much. This and that.

Habiba: Precisely. Another day wasted. Where were you?

Aladdin: Nowhere in particular.

Habiba: Was Jamir with you?

Aladdin: Yes, well, some of the time. I think he went for a mud-bath.

Habiba: And why didn’t you go?

Aladdin: Oh, erm, don’t know. I guess I got distracted.

Habiba: Yes, I bet you did. Too distracted to pick up the groceries too, I imagine?

Aladdin: I’m afraid so, yes. They closed the market anyway.

Habiba: Well we’ve got nothing in, so if you want to eat tonight, you’d better go somewhere else and get some.

Aladdin: But I’ve just got in.

Habiba: Then you can just go back out again. You need to start earning your keep, young man.

Homework Friday 3rd May


Next week is the start of testing fortnight in school. We have been preparing in class but would like the pupils to have extra revision this weekend. Each child has been given a paper copy of a Maths revision paper. Please take time to sit with your child to support them with the types of questions they will be set in their Maths paper. Thank you for your continued support.


Spellings - Please see attached below.

Homework Friday 26th April


MathShed - Tasks assigned

Google Classroom - Complete Reading test assigned 

Spellings - Assigned below





Homework Friday 19th April


Google classroom: See reading test assigned to revise for test week


MathShed - Assignments assigned


EdShed - Spellings assigned 

Homework Friday 12th April


Welsh alphabet - Watch this video and practice the pronunciation of the alphabet sounds. See attached the image helping to pronounce the sounds.




Spellings - SPELLINGS ASSIGNED TO ED SHED and attached below.

Easter Holidays Homework

Watch the Holy Week assembly videos to reflect on the events of Holy week




Spellings - SPELLINGS ASSIGNED TO ED SHED and google classroom.



Homework Friday 15th March


Homework:  Maths Reasoning Questioning sent to google classroom




Spellings - SPELLINGS ASSIGNED TO ED SHED and google classroom.

Homework Friday 8th March


Homework - STEM WEEK


Biodegrade Plastic – Stem Week.

Did you know that every plastic bag that you have ever seen still exists? This is because plastic takes many years to decompose; this causes pollution in the sea and on land.

Homework this weekend is an observation and data collection task.

We would like to know how many items you use or see this weekend are made out of plastic.

If you use a plastic water bottle, think what could you use instead?

If you use a plastic bag, think what you could use instead.

Record what you find out and share to google classroom.



Additional tasks, fluency test.

How many mm in a cm?

How many cm in a m?

How many m in a km?

How many g in a kg?

How can you convert from cm-m, m-cm, mm-cm, cm-mm, m-km, km-m, g-kg, kg-g?


Spellings - SPELLINGS ASSIGNED TO EDSHED and google classroom


A big thankyou to all those children who donated items for our outside prayer area. Diolch!

Homework Friday 1st March


Homework:  As we are now in the season of Lent, we would like to create an outdoor prayer area in Year 5. This is also part of our RE topic, thinking more deeply about what prayer is and the different ways we can pray, and the reasons why we pray.  

We are kindly asking for any donations to create our prayer area, this could be plants, pebbles, stones, wood, candles. Many thanks in advance.


Mathletics: MATHS TASK ASSIGNED TO MATHS SHED. Additional tasks, timetables x 6 x 7 x 8


Spellings - SPELLINGS ASSIGNED TO ED SHED and google classroom


Additional: 5LJ Holy Week Assembly Script added to google class

Homework Friday 23rd February


Homework:  This week we have been finding out about how the welsh assembly government makes decisions that impacts Wales. See task on google classroom related to our inquiry.


Mathletics: MATHS TASK ASSIGNED TO MATHS SHED. Additional tasks, timetables x 6 x 7 x 8


Spellings - SPELLINGS ASSIGNED TO ED SHED and attached below


Additional Reminders

R.S.E Parent meeting 2.45 on Monday (see school app for details)

Letter for Manor Park adventure need to be returned

Young Performer audition will take place on Monday for the Eisteddfod. 


Half Term Homework Friday 9th February


Homework: Please see google classroom for homework






EISTEDDFOD Competitions - See below for details.



Homework: Please see google classroom for homework assignment on Fairtrade. 


Spellings - SPELLINGS ASSIGNED TO ED SHED and attached below 

Homework Friday 26th January


Homework: This week we have been learning about character descriptions and inferring feelings from descriptions e.g. tears rolled down her face, he clenched his fist, his skin was as white as sheet. See the task assigned to google classrooms for homework. This will help with your hot task.


Mathletics: Percentages assigned on Mathletics





Homework Friday 19th January


Homework: This week we have been learning about renewable and non renewable energy sources and how electric energy travels to our homes and how it is converted to other types of energy sources. For homework, we would like pupils to create a mind map, like the examples below of everything they know about energy. This can be presented using ICT or on paper. 


Mathletics: Fractions of amounts set on Matheltics. Please also ensure that we are confident with times tables x4 x6 (Mrs. Williams) x 6 x7 (Mrs. Sherwood x 7 x 8 (Miss. Leyson-Jones)





Homework Friday 12th January


Homework Please see google classroom for Welsh Homework


Mathletics This week we have been learning about time, digital and 24 hours. Please see assigned tasks.


This is also a good resource to practice telling the time and calculating durations.


Spellings - See assigned below


Christmas Homework

Prepare for Jesus as a family

25 December (Christmas Day)

Light a candle and remember that Jesus is the light of the world. Think about how you can share the light of Jesus in our world throughout the Christmas season.

You could say the following prayer together:

God of light,
you came to live among us
to bring us life and light.
Hear our prayers as we celebrate your birth:

(share your family’s intentions here)

Help us to be a light for others.


See this link for other prayer ideas over the Christmas period

Homework Friday 15th December


Homework; Next week we will be writing poems as part of our writing journey. Please familairise yourself with poems by watching the video below. You can also find a poem that you like and add to the class stream on google classroom.


Spellings - Christmas themed spellings assigned below


Mathletics - Complete any unfinished tasks



Homework Friday 8th December


Homework - On Thursday 14th December we will be having our Christmas enterprise Fayre. We kindly ask for any glass jars, candles or anything that has a Christmas sparkle that we can use to make our items. 


Spellings - See assigned


Mathletics - See assigned work on negative numbers, temperature



Homework - Friday 1st November - Spelling list

Homework - Friday 1st December


Homework: Find the work labelled 'Welsh assessment' in google classroom and spend time practicing the Welsh phrases.


Spellings: Spelling list found on google classroom and attached above. Learn these for our spelling test next week. 


Mathletics: Complete assigned activities.

Homework Friday 24th November


Homework: Please see google classroom to complete the task on the Feast of Christ the king.

- Additional extension task, complete quiz on forms about climate change,


Spellings: Spellings attached below


Mathletics: Complete assigned activities on data

Homework Friday 17th November


Homework: To conclude our work on Holy Souls month, please write a prayer that can be added to our class prayer book. See google classroom. 


Spellings: Spellings linked to our inquiry; Is our world changing too quickly, see below attached spellings


Mathletics: Complete assigned activities

Half erm Homework


Homework: Staying safe online continued google classroom. 

Please complete any outstanding homework tasks!


Spellings - Extra spellings assigned to EdShed. Spelling lists for test attached below.


Mathletics - Tests assigned on Mathletics




Homework Friday 20th October


Homework: E-safety task assigned to google classroom.


Spellings - Extra spellings assigned to EdShed. Spelling lists for test attached below.


Mathletics - Perimeter and area activities assigned.

Remember area we calculate LxW,

Perimeter is the distance all the way around the outside of a 2D shape. To work out the perimeter, add up the lengths of all the sides.


Homework Friday 13th October


Homework: Welsh task assigned to google classroom. Homework needs to be submitted by Wednesday.


Spellings - Extra spellings assigned to EdShed. Spelling lists for test attached below.


Mathletics - Dividing and multiplying by 10, 100, 1000

Homework Friday 6th October


Homework: As we begin our new come and see Topic 'Life choices' we have been learning about friendships. As we journey through this topic, we will be learning about the sacrament of marriage. We would like to share about what we already know about marriage through our family experiences. If yo have a photo or objects you would like to share in class, please can you bring them into school to help with our learning.


Spellings - Assigned to EdShed


Mathletics - Division assigned

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