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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Action Plan

As a School Council, we came up with our action plan by thinking about :


Yippee Yellow- what the school council has done well last year.

Green for Growth- what we want to improve in our school.

And Purple for Progress-what we need to improve to be successful.


To help guide out thinking and planning we broke the work of the school council in to four areas. Our school environment- because we are enterprising, creative individuals.


Our curriculum because we are ambitious, capable learners.

 Our Wellbeing because we are healthy, confident contributors.

Our responsibilities because we are ethically, informed citizens.


Our achievements of the school council of our environment are: We know our rights. The school council introduced the Rights Respecting School Scheme. We led an assembly on the right of the month. We introduced the UN Rights of the child.

We improved our playground. We made new timetables so that children have fair turn on the areas of the school playground.
We carried out a toilet survey to find out what children thought about our school toilets and how to improve them.

Our Yippee Yellow for our curriculum is- We found out children’s views. The school council carried out a survey to find children’s views about homework and the use of digital learning platforms (mathletics/bugclub/ spellodrome/ gigglets/active learn).


We made a New Homework Policy. We helped rewrite the school’s policy on homework and now all maths homework is online

Our Yippee Yellow for out Wellbeing is: We made new playground rules and timetable. We made a timetable to make it fair the way we use the areas of the playground.             

 Our Yippee Yellow for our responsibilities is We know how to be citizen. We found out about how the democratic process works in this country. We visited the Houses of Parliament and met our M.P (Jo Stevens).

We also met with our local County Councillor (Mr Carter).

Our Green For Growth targets for our environment are: Rights Respecting School- we need to carry on our successful work and ensure everyone respects other’s rights and understands their own rights. We want to work with the rights respecting school coordinator (Mrs Sherwood) to introduce the Right of the month to help us live out the Gospel Message.

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