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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Year 3



This week your homework is to practice the spellings below. This is your ONLY homework this week please make sure everyone practices these for TUESDAY


















This weeks homework is to research one of the Planets create either a poster or leaflet on the planet of your choice. Be creative!!


You also have additional homework to practice writing and saying these words, you also need to find out the meaning of each of these words. Post a video of you doing this on Google Classroom.

















Maths homework is on Math-shed and Spellings are on Ed-shed.




As we are in the month of Holy Souls  this weeks homework will be about Remembrance. You can create a Poster about Remembrance day. You also have the option to write the Eternal Rest Prayer and decorate it thinking about someone you want to remember during the month of the Holy Souls. 


Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let your perpetual light shine upon them.
May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed
rest in peace.



Spellings and Maths are set on Edshed/ Maths shed. 

Half term Homework 


This week’s homework is to create a diary of what you are doing this half term. It can be of the whole week, a few days or something specific you did and enjoyed. You can do it however you want, include writing, pictures, be creative !! Think about who you were with, what you did, why you enjoyed it etc. Remember to use the skills we have learnt about different types of sentences ( simple, compound and complex).


Spellings are on Edshed.

Maths is on Mathshed.


Happy half term from both Miss Healan and Miss Leyshon- Jones l! 

Homework 11/10/24


This weeks homework is linked to Diversity. We have been learning about diversity, what it is and the diversity of our country, school and classroom this week. The homework this week is to create a poster or information sheet about a country, think about the culture of the country you could include the different foods, music, clothes, the flag, traditions, religions etc. This could be the country that you come from or if you prefer to choose a different country that is ok also. 


Maths homework is on Maths Shed. 

Spellings are on Edshed.




We are having a big push on Reading in Year 3 as it is so important for their learning. Reminder to be reading EVERYDAY with your children. Its so important. 


As it is getting a bit colder now a reminder to LABLE your children's jumpers and coats.  



Homework 4.10.24


As it is the month of October we celebrate Mary. Your homework this week is to create a prayer area for Mary at Home. Think about the colours and what pictures you could add in. Alternatively you can write out the Hail Mary prayer and decorate it or draw a picture of Mary. 


Spellings can be found on Edshed. 

Maths can be found on Maths shed. 


PE is on MONDAY this week. 

At St Philip Evans the four purposes of the new curriculum for Wales are at driving force of our teaching and learning.  Through a broad and balanced curriculum, we enable all pupils to be:


* Ambitious, capable learners ready to learn throughout their lives

* Enterprising, creative contributors ready to play a full part in life and work

* Ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world

* Healthy, confident individuals ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society



This year the class teachers are Miss Healan (3H) and Miss Leyshon-Jones ( 3LJ)


Keep up to date by following our school Twitter account, and sign up to the The School App for daily information.

"We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play."

Dyn ni'n byw y neges Efengyl wrth i ni addoli,dysgu a chwarae.


PE in Year 3 will take place Every week on a TUESDAY

Children are to bring in their P.E. kit on a Monday and take it home on a Friday. 

You will need to wear outdoor sports kit to school on those days (leggings, jogging bottoms, trainers etc)


Homework is assigned every Friday, and must be returned to school the following Wednesday.


Spelling tests are every Friday

Remember to practise your spellings regularly at home.


Please read your reading books on a regular basis, and update your reading records frequently.


Remember to access online resources regularly at home.

         ActiveLearn          Hwb          


Book bags must be brought to school every day.


As a healthy school, we encourage pupils to be healthy, confident individuals by bringing fruit/vegetables to school each day. 

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