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St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School

We live the Gospel message as we worship, learn and play Dyn ni’n byw negas efengyl wrth i ni addoli, dysgu a chwarae

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Come & See - Community 

We have been celebrating all of the learning that we have done as part of our topic ‘Community’ in our Gweddiwn. We listened to scripture from Isaiah whose words remind us of how we can prepare in our community for Gods coming. 

What makes a community?

How can we follow God’s path and live in communion?

Gweddiwn - Let us pray

Gweddiwn - let us pray 
4A have shared their learning about our topic ‘Community’ in our class assembly. We thought about how we are all a part of the Christian community and this is important because we are all part of a special community with God at the centre.


We all have a responsibility as members of this special community to do special jobs to bring us closer to God. We have learnt that people within the Parish serve the church in lots of different ways by doing different jobs, the priest has the responsibility of celebrating the Good News of Gods love, the flower arrangers have the responsibility of ensuring that the floral displays in church are kept up to date and we all have the responsibility of sharing the Gospel message with others through our thoughts and actions.

What can you do to be an active member of our Christian community? 

Y4A Class assembly - Community

St Philip Evans Profile Virtues


This term we are focussing upon the virtues attentive and discerning.  We are thinking about the ways we can live out the gospel message each day, in our actions, thoughts and words.


Before we reflect or pray, discern or make a decision, begin a new day, or embark on anything important, we are asked to remember everything that we have to be grateful for.


We do this throughout our daily prayer, meditation and examen.


Image result for pupil profile jesuit


Grateful for our own gifts, for the gift of other people, and for the blessings of each day; and generous with our gifts, becoming men and women for others.


As we become more practised at being grateful, we realize just how gifted and blessed we are, often without really deserving it. Out of this growing realization comes a powerful desire to be generous, “to give and not to count the cost.” Generosity is the natural consequence of the practice of gratitude.


chosen people   ancestor   family tree   descendant  siblings   relation    generations   roots


We have also been thinking about those we are thankful for in our current Come and See topic, People.  As part of this context we have been learning about the important people in our lives we must be thankful for, aswell as the members of Jesus' family who played an important part in his past.


Prayer and Reflection


Father, creator of all,

you ‘ordered the earth’ to bring forth life
and crowned its goodness by

creating family life.

Teach us the beauty of human love,
show us the value of family life

and help us to live in peace
with everyone.


Come and See - Gifts

We have been sharing and celebrating our learning from our topic Gifts in Year 4. We have planned a Gweddiwn session where we listened to scripture from Matthew (2:1-12 16-18) who reminded us of Gods love and compassion through the gift of Jesus.

We heard all about how the wise men travelled over vast distances to come and worship the baby Jesus, the greatest gift of all “They knelt down and worshipped him. They opened their treasures and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh


How can we show thanks for the Gift of Jesus Christ?

Gweddiwn - Gifts

4D have shared their learning about our topic Called. We are all called by a God in any ways to share his love with others. How can you share your gifts and talents with others? 

Y4D class assembly - Called

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Still image for this video

“Follow me, and I will teach you to catch people”

Still image for this video

The Night Shelter 


In year 4 we are attentive to the needs of others and discerning in the choices we make as we take action to share the gifts of joy and compassion during Advent.  We have been listening to our Mini Vinnies group and have collected various items to donate to the night shelter, as we remember the true message of Christmas, and as Christians we try to follow Jesus’ path as we share the Good News of the Messiah at Christmas.  We have gathered donations as we remember the importance of the gifts we share with others, and that this can also be a  difficult time of year for many.


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