Keep checking out the Choir page for our next Songbird events 2024 to 2025
Hymns, Songs, Anthems, Raps, Ballads, Lullabies the list is endless. At St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School, singing always makes us smile, feel happy and confident. Let's keep doing this everyday! Sing out loud and proud! Always remember just how amazing you all are at singing and performing!
Christmas Choir 2024
🤶🎄🎅❄☃️ 🤶🎄🎅❄☃️ Christmas Choir 2024 🤶🎄🎅❄🤶🎄🎅❄☃️
Click on the music notes below for more information
Llanedeyrn Powerhouse Hub
Date: Thursday 12th December 2024
Time: 2.15pm- 2.45pm
Year 6 Christmas Songbirds will be singing at the library to celebrate
National Christmas Jumper Day 2024. Please wear a Christmas jumper!
Parent helpers welcome to accompany pupils on the Cardiff bus to and from the event, please contact the school office.
St Clements Court, Glyn Eiddew, Cardiff CF23 7BU
Date: Friday 13th December 2024
Time: 2:00pm-2.45pm
Years 5 and 6 “Christmas Songbirds” to perform Christmas carols and sing carols with residents at St Clements Court. Parent helpers welcome to accompany pupils on the Cardiff bus to and from the event, please contact the school office.
Residents only concert.
Ifor Jones Court, Hillrise, Cardiff CF23 6UP
Date: Tuesday 17th December 2024
Time: 10:15am-11.45am
Year 5 and 6 “Christmas Songbirds” performing Christmas carols and singing carols with residents at the Ifor Jones Court.
Parent helpers please contact the school office if you can join us.
Residents only concert.
Songbirds Christmas Tour: John Lewis and Llanishen Reservoir
John Lewis, The Hayes, CF10 1EG
Date: Wednesday 18th December 2024
Time: 10:45am-12:15pm (second floor)
Years 5 and 6 “Christmas Songbirds” performing Christmas carols and Christmas songs in John Lewis.
If you are able accompany us on coach to and from the event, it would be greatly appreciated.
Llanishen Reservoirs Visitor Centre, Lisvane CF14 0BB
Date: Wednesday 18th December 20234
Time: 2.00pm to 2:45pm (slipway at the reservoir)
Please remember your hat and gloves and wear a warm coat!
Years 5 and 6 “Christmas Songbirds” will be performing Christmas carols and songs on the slipway at the reservoir. If you are able accompany us on coach to and from the event, it would be greatly appreciated. Everyone welcome.
School Hall, St Philip Evans Primary School
Date: 20th December 2024
Time: 2:30pm-3:20pm
Years 5 and 6 “Christmas Songbirds”
(Everyone welcome to wear a Christmas jumper)
Join our Christmas Choir Songbirds in the school hall.
They will be performing a variety of carols and festive songs. You will be able to enjoy a mince pie and join in with our Christmas carols singalong in the school hall. All welcome to attend.
🤶🎄🎅❄☃️ 🤶🎄🎅❄☃️ Christmas 2024 Choir Events🤶🎄🎅❄🤶🎄🎅❄☃️
The Lights Will Lead Me Home (Backing track)
The Lights Will Lead Me Home (Performance track)
Lights Will Lead Me Home Lyrics
Holy, Holy, Holy Infant Child (Backing track)
Holy, Holy, Holy Infant Child (Performance track)
Holy, Holy, Holy infant Child
Feliz Navidad (Backing track)
Feliz Navidad (Performance track)
Feliz Navidad Lyrics
Sing Lyrics
St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School Choir 2023-2024 (The Songbirds)
Sing (Backing track)
Sing (Performance track)
Responsorial Psalm for School Mass at St Philip Evans Catholic Church on Saturday 29th January 2024 @ 5.15pm
Musical Christmas Performances 2023! What wonderful memories of a wonderful Choir!
BBC (Blue Peter) Christmas Medley (Guide Track).mp3
Here are the backing track and vocal track to practise your singing. The lyrics are also posted below. The Blue Peter Film crew will be arriving at St Philip Evans School the week of 7th December 2020. We can't wait to see the performance shown on Cbeebies and CBBC on The Blue Peter Christmas Special 2020 at 5.00pm! What an exciting opportunity! Happy practising! Remember to wear your Christmas Jumper for the filming! Backing track
The School Choir of 2022-2023 (The St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School Songbirds)
What a performance! On Thursday 3rd February 2023, the choir performed to mark the official opening of The Wellbeing Hub, Maelfa. It was officially opened by Eluned Morgan the Health Minister for Wales. Well done to our amazing soloist and choir!
Our choir's wonderful performance of (We are) Unstoppable!

Choir performing 'Space Man' for the official opening of The Wellbeing Hub 2023.

Calon Lân 2023

Our wonderful choir performing 'Calon Lân' 2022.

Musical Christmas Community Memories 2022
John Lewis Christmas Performance of 'There's A Star' 2022.

WRU Choir Competition 2022
Please click here to access the songs and lyrics sheets for 'Calon Lân'. You will need to learn how to sing verses 1 and 3 ready to be recorded on Tuesday 18th October 2022
If you want to use the phonetic video to help with the pronunciation of each word, please use the link by clicking here
Our School Choir were chosen to perform for the BBC Wales Euro's Virtual Choir! Can you see them performing in the video.
What fabulous singing everyone!!
BBC Wales are supporting our national team with a stunning ‘virtual choir’ of Welsh football fans singing ‘Can’t Take My Eyes Off You’ accompanied by the BBC National Orchestra of Wales.
Our School Choir were chosen to perform for the BBC Wales Euro's Virtual Choir! Here is the performance!

What a wonderful performance! Da iawn!

BBC Euros Singalong lyrics and BBC National Orchestra of Wales backing track can be found below. Please practice using the lyric sheet and Melody track first.When you feel really confident with your singing, please start rehearsing with the backing track. Please bring into school on Tuesday the following: Wales football shirt, red top, red accessories or hats and scarves – basically anything Welsh or red that you could wear when you are being filmed by the BBC crew. That would be amazing! Good luck performers!
BBC backing track 'Can't take my eyes off you'. Use the lyric sheet to help you. Come on Wales! Start singing at 14 seconds when the introduction finishes.
Remember to practice smiling as you sing!! Make your words really clear and most of all enjoy the performance, Sing out loud and proud!! Good luck BBC Euros Choir performers!
Watch members of St Philip Evans Catholic Primary School Choir perform on the Blue Peter Christmas Special on Thursday 17th December. It will be going out on Cbeebies and CBBC at 5pm.
Reach for the Stars Super Virtual Choir - Mrs Roberts. Here is the new and exciting Year 3 - 6 Virtual Choir. Start uploading your video of your performance of Reach for The Stars as soon as you can! Upload it to your class stream. It would be fabulous if you can have it ready and uploaded by Monday 15th June. The instructions are in the information booklet below. Good luck!
Rehearsal track for Reach for the stars! Use this track to practice ready for your performance using the backing track!
Actions for only the chorus of Reach for the Stars

Please do not add actions to verse 1 or verse 2...just the chorus!
Reach for the stars
Climb every mountain higher
Reach for the stars
Follow your heart's desire
Reach for the stars
And when that rainbow's shining over you
That's when your dreams will all come true
Performance Backing track for Reach for the stars. Use this track when you video yourself performing!!!
Gareth Malone Home Chorus
Gareth Malone is well known for bringing communities together through the medium of music.
He has recently announced a new initiative called
Great British Home Chorus.
To get involved, please click here
Happy Singing!
Come Holy Spirit mp3.mp3
Give us courage mp3.mp3
I will bless you Lord.mp3
Shalom mp3.mp3
Song of the body of Christ mp3.mp3
Singing everyday will make you smile!!!
Welsh National Anthem Lyrics
Sing backing track
Sing Full Vocals
In Christ Alone
Our very own School Anthem performed by the School Choir
Choir Events and Musical Activities 2019-2020
Christmas Choir Celebrations and BGT Auditions filmed by Thames TV coming up throughout December.
Thames TV, Britain's Got Talent Rehearsals for ALL Choir Members from year groups 3 - 6 will take place in the hall on Monday 2nd December, Thursday 5th December and Monday 9th December from 3.45pm- 5.45pm. Thames TV filming will take place on Tuesday 10th December at 11.00am.
Please practice every day the following songs ready for the BGT Choir audition.
Christmas Choir 2019! Happy memories everyone singing together!
Here are the Christmas Lyrics 2019. Please start learning all the words ready for the performances 2019 and Thames TV Britain's Got Talent Audition.
Happy memories from the Choir of 2018 - 2019

Choir Performances 2018-2019

85 pupils from Year 4, 5 and 6 helped to raise money for Cancer Research Wales. Well done everyone!
African Children's Choir Concert 2019
Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika
Os Oes Gen Ti Gan
In Christ Alone
Oh For A Thousand Tongues
Happy memories from the Christmas Choir of 2018
African Children's Choir 2017 Lyrics
Celebration of Music and Dance 2017
KS2 Celebration of Music and Dance will be taking place on Thursday 16th February 2017 at 5.30pm in the school hall. Tickets are now on sale every morning in the staffroom and are selling fast! Remember to bring your packed tea and costume to school on the morning of the concert as we have a dress rehearsal at 3.45pm before the concert.
Happy memories from the Christmas Choir of 2016

The Choir raised £200 for Cancer Research Wales.
Land of Song Concert 2016 at The Wales Millennium Centre

St Philip Evans RC School Choir 2016-2017
Wales Millennium Centre & The Aloud Charity
The Choir enjoyed a fantastic experience performing in the Land of Song concert 2016 at the Wales Millennium Centre on Monday 6th June 2016.
Photographs from the event can be seen below.
A gloriumptious adventure for children across Wales
As part of the Roald Dahl 100 celebrations in 2016, we're thrilled to have recently launched our Wales-wide schools project, Land of Song, supported by Lloyds Bank and the Colwinston Charitable Trust.
Wales Millennium Centre and The Aloud Charity are joining forces to encourage primary schools across Wales to celebrate Roald Dahl with us through song.
Land of Song involves the creation of a vibrant new bilingual website to host free singing resources for key stage 2 pupils across Wales; and is supported by The Roald Dahl Estate and Can Sing. The website is now live and participating schools will receive their login details soon.
Every child aged 7-11 gets to be part of this schools celebration - music resources, teacher training and the chance to take part in a special celebratory performance in June 2016!
Tim Rhys Evans the conductor of Only Men Aloud pictured with the Choir
Celebration of music and dance photographs can now be viewed in the gallery
Congratulations to the choir for an amazing concert for HYBU at MotorPoint Arena! Videos of the concert are available to order from Hybu.
Please look in the gallery to view pictures from the event
Use the song sheets and audio clips to learn all the words.
Vibrant singing from the choir at the African Children's Choir Concert 2016

Beautiful singing from St David's Hall

Songsheets for ACC 2016
George Thomas Hospice Christmas Concert 2015
Wednesday 9th December @ Ararat Baptist Church, Whitchurch.
Congratulations to everyone in the choir for an amazing performance!
Song sheets Christmas 2015
Happy Memories from the Christmas Choir 2015

Performing with the African Children's Choir 2016

Performing for the residents at Ifor Jones Court at Christmas 2015

Fantastic day at Acapela Recording Studios

St Philip Evans School Choir 2014-2015

Choir.....Concerts.....Events.....Musical news
Past events 2015-2016
1.St Philip Evans RC Church 30th Anniversary Mass and Celebrations on Sunday 25th October @ 11.00am
2.George Thomas Hospice Christmas Concert @ Ararat Baptist Church on Wednesday 9th December 2015 @ 7.00pm (Years 5 and 6)
3.Carol singing @ John Lewis on Thursday 17th December 2015 @ 11.30am
4.Carol singing @ The Maelfa Shopping Centre on Friday 18th December 2015 @ 10.00am
5.African Children's Choir @ St Davids Hall on Thursday 14th January 2016 @ 7.3Opm
6.HYBU 1000 Voice Choir @ MotorPoint Arena on Friday 26th February 2016 @ 7.00pm
7.KS2 Celebration of Music and Dance 2016 @ St Philip Evans School Hall on Thursday 10th March 2016 @ 7.00pm
Past events 2014-2015
2014-2015 Choir Concerts
- Celebration of Music and Dance 2015 @ St Philip Evans School Hall on Thursday 16th July 2015
- George Thomas Hospice Concert afternoon @ Velindre Hospital on Thursday 11th June 2015 (Years 4-6)
- African Children's Choir @ St Davids Hall on Wednesday 14th January 2015
- Carol singing @ John Lewis on Thursday 18th December 2014
- Light up a life @ Queens Arcade on Thursday 11th December 2014
- HWYL 1000 Voice Choir @ MotorPoint Arena on Thursday 4th December 2014
- Acapela Recording Studios on Thursday 20th November 2014